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 (sixtythree.) try not to throw up.

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(sixtythree.) try not to throw up. Empty
MessageSujet: (sixtythree.) try not to throw up.   (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. EmptySam 29 Aoû - 17:06

Alors personnellement dans mon cas personnel (?), je fais pas souvent des avas mais ça m'arrive. Arrow (En fait j'aime bien mais je m'emballe et je finis par mettre deux heures à faire un seul ava ce qui est vaguement frustrant).

Généralement, je suis plus sur les gifs ou les graphics genre qu'on voit sur tumblr mais en moins bien (hahaha *va pleurer dans un coin*). (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. 1573464409
Du coup. Voilà. C'était la minute informations, C'EST TOUT POUR MOI. gangnamstyle

Les avatars ;

Holland Roden:

Barbara Palvin:

Karen Gillan:

Teresa Palmer:

Colton Haynes:

Les gifs ;

Les trucs qui datent moches & en vrac:

Les trucs inclassables qui sont pas des avas ni des gifs Arrow ;

Teen Wolf:

The 100:

Agents of SHIELD:

Merci bonsoir. (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. 2597496252
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(sixtythree.) try not to throw up. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (sixtythree.) try not to throw up.   (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. EmptySam 29 Aoû - 17:14

agent of shield (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. 150811060 (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. 150811060 (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. 150811060 (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. 3612009664 (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. 3612009664
Teen wolf (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. 3119493204 (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. 3119493204

Bon, comme tu l'auras compris, je suis fan (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. 3119493204
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(sixtythree.) try not to throw up. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (sixtythree.) try not to throw up.   (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. EmptySam 29 Aoû - 19:11

Tu gères, mais ça tu le sais déjà (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. 1737477489
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X. Isaure I. Ilser
X. Isaure I. Ilser
localisation : New York pour le moment, mais il bouge souvent pour son travail à la DLCEM.
messages : 596
parmi nous depuis le : 24/08/2015


(sixtythree.) try not to throw up. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (sixtythree.) try not to throw up.   (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. EmptySam 29 Aoû - 19:13

Oh, j'adore ce que tu fais, aussi bien les gifs, les avatars ou autres, j'aime j'aime j'aime (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. 3612009664 (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. 2597496252
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(sixtythree.) try not to throw up. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (sixtythree.) try not to throw up.   (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. EmptySam 29 Aoû - 19:13

Merciiii (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. 1737477489 (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. 1737477489
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(sixtythree.) try not to throw up. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (sixtythree.) try not to throw up.   (sixtythree.) try not to throw up. Empty

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(sixtythree.) try not to throw up.

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