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 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe

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naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe Empty
MessageSujet: naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe   naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe EmptyVen 14 Oct - 9:41

dossier n°xxxx-xx ; informations générales.
NOM •• écrire ici. PRÉNOM(S) •• écrire ici. SURNOM(S) •• écrire ici. ÂGE •• écrire ici. DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE •• écrire ici. NATIONALITÉ •• écrire ici. ORIGINES •• écrire ici. OCCUPATION •• écrire ici. ORIENTATION SEXUELLE •• écrire ici. STATUT CIVIL •• écrire ici. MEMBRE DU DLCEM DEPUIS •• écrire ici. ARME FÉTICHE •• écrire ici.
caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère.

01. écrire une anecdote sur votre personnage. 02. écrire une anecdote sur votre personnage. 03. écrire une anecdote sur votre personnage. 04. écrire une anecdote sur votre personnage. 05. écrire une anecdote sur votre personnage. 06. écrire une anecdote sur votre personnage. 07. écrire une anecdote sur votre personnage. 08. écrire une anecdote sur votre personnage. 09. écrire une anecdote sur votre personnage. 10. écrire une anecdote sur votre personnage.
interview de prénom p. nom, agent du dlcem.
01. •• VOYEZ-VOUS À TRAVERS LA BRUME ? SI OUI, À QUEL DEGRÉ ET COMMENT VOUS EN ÊTES-VOUS RENDU COMPTE ? écrire la réponse ici en un minimum de cinq lignes.

02. •• AVEZ-VOUS DES CONNAISSANCES DE L'EXISTENCE DES MONDES MYTHOLOGIQUES ? SI OUI, À QUEL DEGRÉ ET COMMENT AVEZ-VOUS DÉCOUVERT LEUR EXISTENCE ? QUE PENSEZ-VOUS DE LA MYTHOLOGIE ? écrire la réponse ici en un minimum de cinq lignes (certains agents peuvent travailler pour le DLCEM sans réellement savoir ce que fait le Département).

03. •• QUELLE EST VOTRE PLACE DANS L'ORGANISATION ? POURQUOI ET COMMENT L'AVEZ-VOUS REJOINTE ? écrire la réponse ici en un minimum de cinq lignes.

04. •• AVEZ-VOUS PARTICIPÉ À L'INTRUSION DES CAMPS ? QU'ÉTAIT VOTRE RESSENTI ALORS ? écrire la réponse ici en un minimum de cinq lignes.
à propos du joueur.
PSEUDO/PRÉNOM •• x. ÂGE •• 17 ans. COMMENT AS-TU CONNU MALUM DISCORDIAE ? •• par Bazzart. COMMENT TROUVES-TU LE FORUM •• Super joli. AVATAR •• Nathaniel Buzolic. SOUHAITES-TU UN PARRAIN ? •• Pourquoi pas, oui. UN DERNIER MOT •• Lampadaire.
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naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe   naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe EmptyVen 14 Oct - 9:41

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non risus. Suspendisse lectus tortor, dignissim sit amet, adipiscing nec, ultricies sed, dolor. Cras elementum ultrices diam. Maecenas ligula massa, varius a, semper congue, euismod non, mi. Proin porttitor, orci nec nonummy molestie, enim est eleifend mi, non fermentum diam nisl sit amet erat. Duis semper. Duis arcu massa, scelerisque vitae, consequat in, pretium a, enim. Pellentesque congue. Ut in risus volutpat libero pharetra tempor. Cras vestibulum bibendum augue. Praesent egestas leo in pede. Praesent blandit odio eu enim. Pellentesque sed dui ut augue blandit sodales. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam nibh. Mauris ac mauris sed pede pellentesque fermentum. Maecenas adipiscing ante non diam sodales hendrerit.
© .ipar haizea
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X. Isaure I. Ilser
X. Isaure I. Ilser
localisation : New York pour le moment, mais il bouge souvent pour son travail à la DLCEM.
messages : 596
parmi nous depuis le : 24/08/2015


naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe   naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe EmptyVen 14 Oct - 10:02

Bienvenue parmi nous ! Je suis très contente de voir ce scénario libre, en plus, un nouvel agent bril Bon courage pour ta fiche, et n'hésite pas si tu as des questions ! naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 3812523577
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B. Mercedes Weathley
B. Mercedes Weathley
messages : 1295
parmi nous depuis le : 28/09/2015


naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe   naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe EmptyVen 14 Oct - 10:04

Oh le bon choix de scénario qui va faire plaisir à Angel ! bril Et puis que dire : l'avatar + le prénom... Bisous eskimau Et puis un nouvel agent, ça c'est une bonne nouvelle ! Tu vas voir, le DLCEM, on est les meilleurs. naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1211080569 Bienvenue sur Malum Discordiae et n'hésite pas si tu as la moindre question ! Isaure et moi tâcherons d'y répondre au mieux ! naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 150811060 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2106270499
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Jean E. Sylar
Jean E. Sylar
localisation : Actuellement en halte au Camp Jupiter.
messages : 434
parmi nous depuis le : 18/01/2016


naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe   naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe EmptyVen 14 Oct - 10:07

Bienvenue parmi nous nouvel agent :hehe:
Bonne chance pour la rédaction de ta fiche !
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Sebastian A. Johansen
Sebastian A. Johansen
monsieur pique-feu.
localisation : Colonie des Sangs-mêlés.
messages : 235
parmi nous depuis le : 07/04/2016

monsieur pique-feu.

naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe   naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe EmptyVen 14 Oct - 10:08

Oh no, encore un vilain agent ! yerk
Bienvenue sur le forum ! Bonne chance pour ta fiche ! (Tu vas voir, on est bien ici. naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1211080569)
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Regan J. Eisenhardt
Regan J. Eisenhardt
messages : 158
parmi nous depuis le : 13/06/2016


naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe   naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe EmptyVen 14 Oct - 10:11

Bienvenue à toi ! Bonne chance pour la rédaction de ta fiche ! bril
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César A. Delange
César A. Delange
localisation : New-York City.
messages : 138
parmi nous depuis le : 08/05/2016


naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe   naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe EmptyVen 14 Oct - 10:16

Bienvenue sur MD ! Bonne chance pour ta fiche ! bril bril J'aime beaucoup le choix de scénario !
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naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe   naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe EmptyVen 14 Oct - 10:17

yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2076421771 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2076421771 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2076421771 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2076421771 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2076421771 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2076421771 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 461780553 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 461780553 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 461780553 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 461780553 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 461780553 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 461780553 bril bril bril bril bril bril bril bril naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2728512496 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2728512496 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2728512496 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2728512496 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2728512496 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 3612009664 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 3612009664 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 3612009664 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 3612009664 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 3612009664 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 3612009664 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 3612009664 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 3612009664 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2106270499 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2106270499 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2106270499 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2106270499 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2106270499 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2106270499 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2106270499 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2106270499 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2106270499 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2106270499 :hug3: :hug3: :hug3: :hug3: :hug3: :hug3: :hug3: :hug3: naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 3468723674 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 3468723674 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 3468723674 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 3468723674 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 3468723674 :trois: : :trois: : :trois: : naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 217276084 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 217276084 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 217276084 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 217276084 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 217276084 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 217276084 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 217276084 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 217276084 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1806173274 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1806173274 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1806173274 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1806173274 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1806173274 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1806173274 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1806173274 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1806173274 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1806173274 :hearty: :hearty: :hearty: :hearty: :hearty: Fanatique Fanatique Fanatique Fanatique Fanatique Fanatique Fanatique  naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489  naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489  naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489  naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489  naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489  naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489  naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489 naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489

La DLCEM c'est le mal naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 4104680634
Encore merci de t'être intéressé à mon scénario  naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2728512496
Comme je te l'ai dis, si tu as besoin de quoique ce soit ou pas, ma boite MP (aussi bien sur ce compte que sur celui d'Elin) t'es grande ouverte naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1737477489
En tout cas bienvenu et courage pour la rédaction de ta fiche naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 2106270499 superhero
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naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe   naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe EmptyVen 14 Oct - 18:10

Ooooh un petit agent ! J’ai hâte d’en savoir plus What a Face  

Bienvenue à toi ! Et bon courage pour ta fiche.
Je vois que le choix de scenario à fait plaisir à son proprio naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe 1211080569
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naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe   naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe Empty

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naël + c'mon bro, taking pain is easy, you just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from universe and everyone wants to get the universe

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