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 FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...

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FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  Empty
MessageSujet: FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...    FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  EmptyJeu 4 Juil - 21:11

because all suffering is sweet to me.

that one moment, when you know you're not a sad story. you are alive.

Fantasy Imasia Owley+ 19 ans + fille d'Athéna + célibataire + grec + alignement grec.

a grandit avec son père à New York + elle possède un belle-soeur et une belle-mère  humaine + son satyre protecteur est également son meilleur ami + s'est rendu une fois en Grèce  + est à la colonie depuis l'âge de 15 ans  + a reçût la bénédiction de sa mère très peu de temps après son arrivée à la colonie + a toujours un contact avec son père, qu'elle appel au moins une fois par jour  + a rencontré sa mère a plusieurs reprises (3 fois).

caractère + déterminée + drôle + souriante + lunatique + bornée + travailleuse + douce + juste + loyale + jalouse (un peu) + rancunière +

agilité sur-développée + anticipation d'une attaque d'un adversaire + mémoire visuelle sur-développée + Un arc possédant des flèches qui ne ratte jamais leurs cible. + Un bouclier qui me protège physiquement mais aussi mentalement puisque mon esprit devient alors impénétrable. 
© love.disaster
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FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...    FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  EmptyJeu 4 Juil - 21:11

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
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FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...    FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  EmptyJeu 4 Juil - 21:11

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
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FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...    FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  EmptyJeu 4 Juil - 21:11

+1 fou 
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FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...    FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  EmptyJeu 4 Juil - 21:12

C'est à vous ! mouton 
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FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...    FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  EmptySam 6 Juil - 10:37

Un lien? bril

Par contre j'ai aucune idée donc si tu cherches des trucs dis-moi. :*-*: 
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FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...    FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  EmptySam 6 Juil - 10:39

J'ai besoin de tout donc ^^
Décris moi Vicky dans ce cas :)
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FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...    FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  EmptyDim 21 Juil - 10:49

MOI ! ( Dis, tu serais pas Fantasy I. Owley sur KEEP CALM & BE A HERO ? Parce que moi je suis J. Lullaby Fitzgerald )
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FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...    FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  EmptyJeu 1 Aoû - 12:07

Moiiiii. Par ce que.
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MessageSujet: Re: FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...    FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...  Empty

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FANTASY ∆ Been a long day, waiting for the night to come ...

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