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 Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die.

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Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die.   Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 EmptyJeu 1 Oct - 21:36

Je pourrais jamais t'oublier grand fou Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 521084209
J'espère que tu as aimé ma dédicace à Cole dans ma fiche XD
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Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die.   Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 EmptyJeu 1 Oct - 21:59

J'ai vu oui What a Face Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 1211080569

Un rp ? Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 2793399399 Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 750964756
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Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die.   Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 EmptyJeu 1 Oct - 22:00

Avec grand plaisir ! Si jamais tu veux bien le lancer car sinon j'ai un Hope et MArvin qui me font la peau Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 521084209
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Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die.   Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 EmptyVen 2 Oct - 18:28

Pas de soucis, juste une petite question, on fait le rp à partir d'où dans le lien ? hem
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Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die.   Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 EmptyVen 2 Oct - 19:00

Rah mais on avait déjà eut cette discussion bordel ! XD
Même si c'était sur la CB donc j'ai aussi zappé ... hem

Il me semble que c'était après que Cole ait fait fuir sa voisine et après que Vaska ait tenté de tuer Cole en vengeance, en gros dans la période où Vaska est perdu et influençable car n'a plus de point d'ancrage et que Cole décide de voir si il peut pas s'en servir comme arme contre le DLCEM pour rattraper ce qu'il a fait (ce que Cole a fait).
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Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die.   Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 EmptyVen 2 Oct - 19:38

OK, donc comme avant qu'on rajoute les trucs de tentations étou, j'étais pas sûre Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 1211080569 Je te fais ça au plus vite Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 2597496252
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Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die.   Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 EmptyVen 2 Oct - 19:41

Ah oui les tentations ! Bah c'est comme tu veux, préviens moi juste ce que tu auras décidé, tout me va XD
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Tristan E. Langley
Tristan E. Langley
localisation : New-York.
messages : 2033
parmi nous depuis le : 15/03/2013


Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die.   Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 EmptySam 3 Oct - 21:43

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Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die.   Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 EmptyLun 5 Oct - 19:22

Oui mon Tristou, c'est obligé ! Surtout entre itinérants *-* (Et semeurs de cadavres xD)
Je me souviens qu'on en avait un peu parlé, mais j'avoue avoir oublié les détails ... tu t'en souviens ? C'était ni tout noir, ni tout blanc, mais plutôt ambiguë avec un Vaska qui imposait son influence sur Tristan.
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Tristan E. Langley
Tristan E. Langley
localisation : New-York.
messages : 2033
parmi nous depuis le : 15/03/2013


Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die.   Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 EmptyLun 5 Oct - 20:03

Je m'en souviens plus ou moins, oui ! Alors je ne sais plus exactement comment on en arrivait au lien... Peut-être bien que Vaska avait mis la main sur Tristan et qu'il s'apprêtait à l''envoyer tout droit aux enfers... Quoi qu'il en soit, pour sauver sa peau, Tristan lui proposait d'être son informateur. Etant un demi-dieu, il a forcément pas mal d'informations sur les sangs-mêlés new-yorkais, sur ceux de la Colonie et compagnie. Et puisqu'il ne les aime pas et qu'il ne se sent aucun devoir de loyauté envers eux, donner des renseignements au compte-goutte à Vasiliy pour rester en vie... What a Face Au final, Vaska acceptait et on se retrouvait avec un marché de ce type : Tristan donne des infos sur les sangs-mêlés pour la chasse de Vasiliy, en échange Vasiliy ne touche ni à Tristan ni à Loïs. Oh ! et Tristan est le colocataire (futur) de Isaure qui est ton voisin de palier ce me semble. What a Face
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Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die.   Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die. - Page 2 Empty

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Vaska Wasilewski ♠ I would love to love you but the only thing I love more than you is the lovely face you make when you die.

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