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Sujet: We walk on light + Alyss Jeu 16 Juil - 23:32
“perfect love is the most beautiful of all frustrations because it is more than one can express.”
Alyss, Fitzgerald
20 ans ░ San Francisco ░ daughter of Athena ░ Etudiante en architecture
∞ ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage. ta petite histoire et les trucs à savoir sur ton personnage.∞
Sujet: Re: We walk on light + Alyss Jeu 16 Juil - 23:33
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
Evelyn, Fitzgerald
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
Sukie, Powell
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
Oksana, Rutherford
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
Dernière édition par Alyss F. Fitzgerald le Sam 18 Juil - 16:07, édité 4 fois
Sujet: Re: We walk on light + Alyss Jeu 16 Juil - 23:33
Ailam, O'Hara
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
Alex, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
Dernière édition par Alyss F. Fitzgerald le Sam 18 Juil - 13:07, édité 5 fois
Sujet: Re: We walk on light + Alyss Ven 17 Juil - 15:48
J'ai un début d'idée D'après ce que j'ai pu comprendre, Alyss est forte avec un arc et c'est un peu l'arme avec laquelle sukie se débrouillait bien elle pourrait l'entraîner
Sujet: Re: We walk on light + Alyss Sam 18 Juil - 12:36
Ah mais oui, carrément. Alyss a tendance à s'occuper de la formation des plus jeunes, mais comme Sukie est restée dans le coma pendant plusieurs années, je la vois carrément être venue à elle pour lui proposer de rattraper son retard. Et puis, je vois bien Alyss essayer de réintégrer Sukie le mieux possible à la colonie, lui tenir compagnie quand elle la voit seule, tout ce genre de choses.