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 JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !

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JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  Empty
MessageSujet: JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !    JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  EmptySam 8 Fév - 15:04

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JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !    JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  EmptySam 8 Fév - 15:05

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JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !    JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  EmptySam 8 Fév - 15:05

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JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !    JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  EmptySam 8 Fév - 15:05

À vous licornes en susucre ! bril
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JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !    JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  EmptyDim 9 Fév - 16:45

Un lien, obligé, même cohorte, même blondeur, et toutes les deux tarées dans nos têtes.
Et du positif yeah
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JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !    JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  EmptyDim 9 Fév - 17:26

Oh bah oui, j'veux un lien avec ma Haza d'amour moi. bril
Même que Jude est pas schizo... Juste elle aime bien l'alcool... :3 Bon, d'accord, elle est un peu fofolle aussi xD.
Une idée de lien ? yeah
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JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !    JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  EmptyDim 9 Fév - 17:31

J'suis belle en touriste, t'sais ?  gangnamstyle 
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JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !    JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  EmptyDim 9 Fév - 17:35

Ouais t'as le swag en touriste. classe
Positif ? bril
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JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !    JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  EmptyDim 9 Fév - 17:39

Swag de poule Cool
Bawi, tu crois quoi What a Face
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JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !    JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  EmptyDim 9 Fév - 17:42

Swag. Swag. Swag de pouleuh.  :hehe: 
Bref, positif comment ?  JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  217225153 
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JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !    JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !  Empty

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JUDE + We are the children of the great empire !

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